Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wednesday October 31st 2007

Hello Everyone. Ive got a story/message to tell everyone today, But before I get into that Ill do the regular stuff and the weight loss update. Yesterday was fine ate 4 meals at regular times and this morning did 25 minutes of cardio on the eliptical before work. Went to weigh in and was down to 296.5, I lost 3.5 more lbs this week and am down a total of 29.5lbs in 31 days. Its worth noting that when I 1st got the pills it stated that generally people lose 6-10% of their overall body weight in the 1st month, I started at 326 and 32lbs would be 10% I lost 29.5lbs so im just under 10% loss of total body weight in that 1st month. OK thats all fine and good, but now I wanna share something with all of you that have ordered these pills, are gonna order these pills or are starting any weight loss or better health plan. Yesterday a female coworker who ordered the same weight loss pills that I am taking (without the vitamins) came up to me and said "On Sunday I was feeling sick" I immediatley said what was wrong, tell me what happened. As it turns out she explained to me that what she was doing was, whenever she got hungry she would take a Zylene and then she wouldnt be hungry anymore, but on Sunday she didnt eat all day and then felt sick with a bad headache sunday evening. I asked her how much she lost and she told me 6 lbs in 2 weeks. I said thats great your losing weight but thats not healthy at all. So please allow me to explain to everyone what I explained to her and she seemed to totally understand my point. Lets say your watching the food channel and the person on tv makes a great looking, great tasting chocolate cake, and they even give you all the ingredients that you need and the quanities of each ingredient and the proper temperature to cook and for how long. Your excited about it cause you wanna make that chocolate cake for yourself or your family, you rush out and get all the ingredients but forgot to follow the directions for the amounts of each ingredient or how hot to heat the oven and your cake turned out burnt and didnt taste right cause you didnt put the correct amount of each product into the cake. Now lets say that that perfect looking, perfect tasting cake you saw on tv, is the healthy body that each one of us desire for our very own. We can be told all the ingredients to help us lose weight, and we can be told the right things to eat, and the proper cardio/exercises to do to get in shape, but if you dont follow the directions it wont fully work the way you want things to work. EVERYONE is capable of making that perfect looking, perfect tasting cake, but to make that perfect cake you need to follow the proper guidelines to do so. Same as losing weight, we can all lose weight and get healhty and acheive the body composition we want, but we have to follow directions and do things the right way. The bottom line to losing weight is a very simple thing, but not so easy to do. The simple truth is eat less, and exercise more and you will lose weight, the more strict your eating is, and the harder you exercise the quicker youll lose weight and the better results you will see. But many people like me, have been eating bad and doing nothing cardiovascular for so long that making the adjustment to healthy eating and getting in some exercise is not easy. I take 1 zylene when I wake up, and I take one more at 3 pm. I eat 4 small meals a day 9am, 1130, 2pm and 5pm, and then drink lots of water and diet iced tea or crystal light. I also take Nutravex and Biozyte the 2 Multi mineral and Multi nutrients that you take with zylene, the vitamins are very important because you need to make sure your body gets the proper vitamins that your body may be missing from eating less. The zylene zaps your appetite away completely, and gives you energy, the energy is to help you be more active thus burning more calories and losing more weight, along with the built in thermogenic thats boosts your metabolism. The fact that you wont crave foods or be hungry should not be used to not eat anything at all as that is starvation and will get you no where long term, plus its very unhealthy. Instead you should take advantage of the fact you dont have cravings or the urge to eat bad food and eat healhty food, such as salads, tuna, chicken, turkey, etc. You need to eat to feed your body and keep your metabolism running smoothly, starvation is not the answer. I know that none of you know me and sure I could be lying about all this weight loss, but the truth is Im a real person who really was 326 and am now 296.5 lbs, ive lost 29.5 lbs in 31 days and that is the truth, and although I am the one who has to eat properly and carry my butt to the gym, I know for 100% fact that without zylene to control my appetite and give me the energy to get to the gym I wouldnt have been able to do it, and without the multi mineral and multi nutrient (biozyte & nutravex) my body wouldnt have been able to handle the complete change in eating and the cardio that I started to do, they power your immune system and much much more to keep your body healhty while your eating less and exercising more. My 1st after pictures will be taken this Sunday and posted Monday, and you will all be able to see 1st hand that these products do work, and can work for you too, if you take them the right way. OK so ive went on long enough, hope everyone has a great day and hope you all eat a little better and exercise a little more.

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