Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thursday October 18th 2007

Hello Everyone, Want to start by saying thanks for the positive feedback both in the blog and also in the emails, I appreciate the support more than you know. There was a question about when the new pictures would be coming. This is something Ive been wondering myself is exactly how often new pics should be posted. Lets not forget the diet started on Oct, 1st, I took the pill for the 1st time on the 3rd, and those before pics were taken on the 7th and posted on the 8th so its really only been 10 days since the original pics were posted. One thing I can tell you for sure is the pics will be taken on a Sunday and posted the following Monday to the blog, just not 100% sure which Monday as of yet, but I promise you they will be coming soon. On to yesterdays activties. The eating was fine as it has been, I kind of feel like a machine as I just eat when the clock tells me too, lol, Took pills, at 8am, had protein shake at 915am, PBJ sandwich at, 1145am, 230pm, and 5pm. Yesterday I worked from 9am, until 1030pm, then went home changed into shorts and tshirt and went for my walk. I did the 3 loops or laps again, (2.1 miles) and felt great actually, also I walked much faster than normal. Again Im not saying I look like Carl Lewis at all, Im just saying compared to the pace I was originally doing I was going much faster, and the walk itself was much easier than it was when I started. That made me feel good because it showed me I was making progress and improving my overall health. (ive got a very long way to go, but im gonna get there, one day at a time) Also, afterwards I was a little sore, but not nearly as sore as when I started, so clearly my body is adapting so that is a good thing. Ok, so thats that, again thanks for all the feedback and support I really do appreciate it, and it does feel good to know there are people behind you, so thank you all for that.

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