Monday, November 26, 2007

Monday November 26th 2007

Hello All, hope you all had a great weekend. Sorry I havent been able to post in a few days but had some network difficulties and was unable to get on the internet. However my eating and working out has been going smoothly and still fee great mentally, physically and even have a ton more pride and self worth with my self improvement health plan ive been on. Yesterday I had the 5 meals at the 5 pre selected time and this morning got up and did back/shoulders and 30 minutes of cardio. The other day as i was leaving the gym and there was an elderly woman on a machine by the door, and I see here at the gym about 1/2 the time I am there. Anyways she goes keep it up, I was thanks, so far so good but have a long way to go, she goes we're the real hardcore people we work out with no trainers (she says this because at my gym 98% of the people there are with a personal trainer its extremley rare to see anyone there whose not with a trainer, I do not have a trainer FYI) and I said, well were all different but yeah I guess whatever motivates people and gets them here is good for that individual. She mentioned that she noticed my weight loss, asked how much and how I was doing it, I told her of how Zylene had helped me, and Im eating very good 5 small meals a day and working out 6-7 days a week and its helped alot, she mentioned she strggles because she makes cakes and its hard for her to keep from eating the sugary food she makes, I said well your doing great by getting to the gym. I gave her my blogsite and told her to check it out and how the product helps me with my cravings, and I gave her some samples. The point of me telling you this is that it was a great feeling for a random stranger to stop me and state that she noticed my weight loss and to keep it up, it gave me a nice mental boost and I really appreciated it, its great to hear compliments especially from strangers, so my little message for the day is, if someone you know or see regularly is doing something good point it out to them, you never know how much a little comment can positvely impact someone. Ok so thats that, have a great day all, talk to you soon.

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