Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thursday November 15th 2007

Hello, I have added a 5th meal to my daily routine, and will now eat at 9, 11, 1 3 and 5. Yesterday i had Bannana, then a protein shake, sandwich, sandwich, and then a protein shake. This morning I got up and lifted legs, 3 sets of leg press, 3 sets of leg curls, and 3 sets of leg extensions, and then did 30 minutes on the treadmill at 50% because my legs were tired. But i Felt and feel great and am so very proud of my progress so far. 326 to 287 is a great start but i have much work left to do. I hope i can help motivate some of you to start working out and getting healthier, and hope that if any of you reading this know someone who needs to lose weight you can refer them here, for support advice and to let them know they are not alone. Zylene is a great product and would reccommend it to anyone, the zylene keeps you energized and not feeling hungry and the nutirients and minerals keep you healthy. Good luck to all of you and be healthy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is the most unhealthy way to lose weight! If this is what you are advocating something is wrong. you have to eat more food. you say to be heatlhy at the end of your note? you arent healthy at all. you are advocating starvation.