Thursday, October 11, 2007

Thursday October 11th, 2007

Hello again everyone. Yesterday was another good and healthy day for me. Yesterday I had a protein shake for breakfast at 9am, then at 1130 I had a tuna sandwich on wheat bread, at 2pm i had a Chicken salad sandwich and then at 5 I had another protein shake. Dont feel hungry at all, im just structuring my body to eat small meals over the course of the day. But not only has the pill helped curb my appetite, but its giving me energy (without ephedra or caffeine) enough energy to work my 12 hour day, and then come home and at 10pm last night Took another 2.1 mile brisk walk and felt great, it was noticeably easier than the Tuesday night walk and after the walk I feel great. A sense of pride and accomplishment for a day of healthy eating and a 35-40 minute walk. (i will need to get some walking/running shoes as the shoes im walking in are making me feet really sore ) Also, what i am doing is parking a decent walk away from my office building so i get a little walk in before work and after work, I figure every little bit helps. Hopefully my information can help some of you that are reading this, and if any of you have any tips to help burn more calories thruout the course of the day, or any tips at all please share them with me, or if you have any questions by all means ask and ill get back to you. Look forward to hearing from you all..


SusanH said...

Hi Ryan- My name is Susan and I have been following your blog with great interest. You have already made so much progress. I have bought my first bottle today. Can't wait to get the bottle and get started. I am an almost 50 yr. old married lady with 3 kids. Need to loose 70 pounds to get to the weight I was when I got married. I want my 50th year to be the year I do something about my body. Anyway, good luck to you, and I will enjoy following your progress.

FatboySlim? said...


Did you check out the website?

The zylene could really help lose some of those 70 lbs.