Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Wednesday December 5th 2007
Hello All, Today was a weigh day. Had my 5 meals at the preselcted times yesterday went to the gym and worked out this morning. And then hit the scale on the way to work. I weighed in at 274, down 5.5lbs from last week and down a grand total of 52 lbs in 66 days. I feel great and am extremley excited about the big drop this week. I am eating more and exercising harder and lost more this week i was shocked but very happy. Well hope all of you are doing well and on your way to your individual goals. Good luck to all of you and keep it up..
Monday, December 3, 2007
Monday December 3rd 2007
Hello Everyone, Apologize for the delays in posts, Ive been eating as normal the 5 pre selected meals and still been at the gym each morning. I plan on taking new updated pics this Sunday and having them posted on next Monday. So really looking forward to that. As I said on my last update, I am down 46.5 lbs in 59 days, feel great and my mood, and energy levels are amazing. I am feeling better every day and am now to the point where I actually look forward to working out. Anyways, sorry again for the delays hope you all are being healthy and feeling good. Until next time.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Wednesday November 28th 2007
Happy weigh day everyone. As you all know today is my weigh day. But before I get into that, i want to apologize about the missed days recently, it appears as though all the network issues have been resolved here and I should be able to post daily as before. Yesterday Had the 5 meals at the preselected times, This morning got up and did 30 minutes on the treadmill. I woke up late so wasnt able to lift, but have been doing well not to mention the fact that yesterday I was moving office equipment for roughly 9 hours and was quite sore anyways. OK, so on to the good stuff. Today I weighed in and Ive dropped 4 more lbs. from 283.5 to 279.5. And an overall loss of 46.5 lbs in 59 days. So far so good, but have a long way to go. The way the Zylene keeps me from feeling hungry, and gives me a great energy boost and the way the vitmains and minerals keep my immune system strong so Im able to stay healthy. I love how the pills are working for me, and am very happy with my progess. For all thouse following along, thanks and all those working hard to get healhty keep it up, we can do this together.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Monday November 26th 2007
Hello All, hope you all had a great weekend. Sorry I havent been able to post in a few days but had some network difficulties and was unable to get on the internet. However my eating and working out has been going smoothly and still fee great mentally, physically and even have a ton more pride and self worth with my self improvement health plan ive been on. Yesterday I had the 5 meals at the 5 pre selected time and this morning got up and did back/shoulders and 30 minutes of cardio. The other day as i was leaving the gym and there was an elderly woman on a machine by the door, and I see here at the gym about 1/2 the time I am there. Anyways she goes keep it up, I was thanks, so far so good but have a long way to go, she goes we're the real hardcore people we work out with no trainers (she says this because at my gym 98% of the people there are with a personal trainer its extremley rare to see anyone there whose not with a trainer, I do not have a trainer FYI) and I said, well were all different but yeah I guess whatever motivates people and gets them here is good for that individual. She mentioned that she noticed my weight loss, asked how much and how I was doing it, I told her of how Zylene had helped me, and Im eating very good 5 small meals a day and working out 6-7 days a week and its helped alot, she mentioned she strggles because she makes cakes and its hard for her to keep from eating the sugary food she makes, I said well your doing great by getting to the gym. I gave her my blogsite and told her to check it out and how the product helps me with my cravings, and I gave her some samples. The point of me telling you this is that it was a great feeling for a random stranger to stop me and state that she noticed my weight loss and to keep it up, it gave me a nice mental boost and I really appreciated it, its great to hear compliments especially from strangers, so my little message for the day is, if someone you know or see regularly is doing something good point it out to them, you never know how much a little comment can positvely impact someone. Ok so thats that, have a great day all, talk to you soon.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Friday November 23rd 2007
Hello, and hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving. Yesterday I swam 20 laps at the community pool and then ran 30 laps as well, it was a great workout and more than adequate since my gym was closed, also did a 1.5 mile walk just for good measure. Today the gym was closed again, and I walked 2.1 miles this morning. Yesterday I had 1 protein shake, and then had a plate of food at 1pm consisting of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, yams, green beans and a little gravy. At 414 i had another plate of the exact same thing but NO gravy. I had none of the cakes or pies and trust me they did look good, lol. Anyways Im back on track today and to the 5 meals. Yesterday I only had 3 meals but more food per meal. The pool really tired me out, but was a solid workout. But its back to the regiment again now. Hope you all had a great thanksgiving and for all of you with a long weekend I hope you have a great long weekend as well. Keep up the good work everyone and be healthy.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Wednesday November 21st 2007
Hello everyone, and Happy Thanksgiving Eve. Yesterday did great again with the 5 meals at the 5 pre selected times. This morning got up and lifted shoulders than followed that up with 30 minutes on the treadmill. As you knwo today is another weigh day. I started at 326, last week was 287 and now im at 283.5 ive lost 3.5 more lbs this week down a total of 42.5 lbs in 52 days. I fell great and am gaining more self confidence every day. Thanks again Jason for reccommending Zylene to me and thanks to all of you who have given support, positive feedback, and well wishes, also thanks to all of you who have sent me negative comments or insults to my personal email, your comments help to motivate me even more. Hope everyone has a great Holiday weekend and has a happy healthy safe and blessed Thanksgiving day.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Monday November 19th 2007
Hello Everyone, Hope everyone had a great weekend and hope that you all havev a great monday in route to Thanksgiving. I ate my 5 meals at the pre selected times yesterday and this morning i lifted biceps and 30 minutes on the treadmill. Yesterday went to a bday party then to a park with my son and a friend and their son and played catch and chased the kids around for even some more cardio lol. Hope everyone has a great day and continues their journey to a happier healthier you. Good day all.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sunday November 18th 2007
Hello Everyone and happy Sunday. Today will be short my bosses sons 4 year old bday party is at 1pm and im running behind. Yesterday was good had my 5 meals at the preselected times. banana, 2 protein shakes, and 2 tuna sandwiches. Today I got up and lifted chest and did 30 minutes on the treadmill. I feel great and the contant sense of pride I feel when I complete the day having worked out and ate properly is a great feeling. Well, im off to my bosses sons bday have a great rest of the weekend and try and eat a little less and exercise a little more. Zylene can help you get there as its helped, me. Try it on your own if you like and if you struggle try zylene the impact is amazing.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Saturday November 17th 2007
Hello All, and hope your all having a great weekend. Yesterday I continued my move from 4-5 meals a day. Had a banana at 9, protein shake 11, sandwich 1, sandwich 3 and shake at 5, got up this morning but the gym was locked so walked 3 loops around my neighborhood or 2.1 miles. Feel great and every day i Know I am one day closer to my ultimate goal. I will admit its a little tough knowing ive already lost 39lbs and but still have over 100 lbs more to lose, but as ive said before every day is easier and I am very confident I will get there, with the support of my family friends and even strangers and the great pills im talking, zylene, nutravex and biozyte, the truth is its just a matter of time. Well hope you all have a happy healthy and safe weekend and Ill talk to you all later.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Friday November 16th 2007
Hello Everyone. Everything is going great and im feeling great. Yesterday I had banana at 9am, protein shake at 11am, tuna sandwich at 1pm, tuna sandwich at 3pm and protein shake at 5 pm. This morning I lifted 4 setts of back and shoulders and did 30 minutes on the treadmill. As many of you can see there was a comment that I am starving myself and while everyone has the right to there opinion they should have looked into my diet a little better prior to making there statements. If you look at the side of food or drinks it will tell you that the % is based on a 2,000 calorie a day diet. Well the proteiin shakes that i am taking are called Mucscle Milk and each one is 350 calories. The tuna sandiwiches I eat are 1 full can of albacore tuna on 2 slices of wheat bread, and i just recently added the banana. So, 2 proteiin shakes at 350 are 700 calories, 2 whole cans of tuna on 2 slices of wheat bread with regular mayo, lettuce is 490 calrories each or 980 for both, 980 + 700 is 1680 calories and now i have added a banana so thats about 1800 calories a day. Thats only 200 less than what the govt uses as the standard for % values on food and drink products. Which is hardly starvation at all, on top of that I never feel hungry at all. So the fact that im eating 1800 calories a day, lifting every morning and doing 30 minutes a day of cardio, while taking a very good thermogenic that helps the metabolism greatly is why im losing weight so fast. I will admit 39 lbs in 45 days is alot, however I am eating, i feel great i Havent been sick at all and am more active than ever. But to say 1800 calories a day is starving yourself is not accurtate. I appreciate your concern and you comments but im feeling great and eating great and ive never felt better, and all the while not feeling hungry at all. You should look at the ingredients in the pills and see for yourself how beneficial they are. its a great product and its helpin me immensley. Its funny to me that when i am 326 lbs and eating fast food every day, 3 whoppers 2 large fries and 2 large cokes for lunch nobody says much about your eating so bad or you need to lose weight, but when you try to lose weight if you lose it to fast or against the grain than its a bad thing. Im working my butt off and I am very proud of what ive done so far and the fact that i feel great and am full of life and energy only makes me wanna continue that much more. I do appreciate all feedback positive or negative, and hope you all have a great day and remember be healthy.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Thursday November 15th 2007
Hello, I have added a 5th meal to my daily routine, and will now eat at 9, 11, 1 3 and 5. Yesterday i had Bannana, then a protein shake, sandwich, sandwich, and then a protein shake. This morning I got up and lifted legs, 3 sets of leg press, 3 sets of leg curls, and 3 sets of leg extensions, and then did 30 minutes on the treadmill at 50% because my legs were tired. But i Felt and feel great and am so very proud of my progress so far. 326 to 287 is a great start but i have much work left to do. I hope i can help motivate some of you to start working out and getting healthier, and hope that if any of you reading this know someone who needs to lose weight you can refer them here, for support advice and to let them know they are not alone. Zylene is a great product and would reccommend it to anyone, the zylene keeps you energized and not feeling hungry and the nutirients and minerals keep you healthy. Good luck to all of you and be healthy.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Wednesday November 14th 2007
Hello again everyone, Well today was another weigh day and I gotta tell you, im loving Zylene more and more every day. But before i tell you my weight loss i will replay some of my events from yesterday. I had 2 protein shakes and 2 tuna sandwiches. This morning I got up and did 3 sets of bicep curls, 3 sets of concentration curls, 3 sets of hammer curls and a burnout set of 100 reps, then followed it up with 30 minutes on the treadmill at 100% incline. Now for the good stuff, i lost 4.5 more lbs this week, down from 291.5 to 287 lbs. I started at 326 lbs and now I am down to 287 thats a total loss of 39 lbs in 45 days, and on top of that big weight loss i also feel great, have more energy than ever and more self pride and confidence than ever. Jason thanks again for reccommending this product to me, its helped me so much. Everyone else thats already started keep it up, and those waiting to start get to it, every day you wait to start is another day of weight loss you could have already attained. 39lbs in 45 days, thats that good stuff.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Tuesday November 13th 2007
Hello Everyone, sorry the post is late at night instead of in the AM, but sometimes "stuff" happens. Anyways Everything still so far so good, Monday had 3 tuna sandwiches and 1 protein shake. This morning I got up and lifted 3 sets of 3 different exercises of triceps. Then I followed it up with 30 minutes on the treadmill with 75% incline. I feel great and as ive said before everyday gets easier in the gym, I can actually feel myself getting stonger when I Lift, trust me im no incredible hulk but the amount i can lift now is far greater than just 1 month ago when i 1st started, and the cardio gets easier every day as well. Well tommorrow is another weigh day and cant wait to see what im down to now. Wish me luck and i hope you are all losing with me. Have a good night and ill talk to you all tommorrow with my new weight loss totals, weekly and overall. Good Bye for now.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Monday 11-12-7
Hello, Sorry for no posts on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was a good day, ate well and worked out, Same thing for Sunday, This Sunday I didnt go to the sports theatre and watch football, I just stayed home and relaxed and watched it on my recliner. Just needed some alone time. But im back to work today and ready for the posts to roll once again. I got up this morning and did 30 minutes of cardio on the treadmill I didnt lift this morning as i woke up late. I hope everyone had a good, healhty, safe and happy weekend and hope that everyones Monday is a good one. Have a great day and good luck with your healthier lifestyle.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Friday November 9th 2007
Hello Everyone, Well Yesterday had an issue with my car. My radiator or radiator hose is broke, cracked, or something along those lines. Smoke pouring out of my engine, burning smell, not a good day, having to deal with it and also having to pay for it to be fixed, really could have done without that. To make matters worse my Guineau Pig died in the middle of the night last night, as they say when it rains it pours, but that which does not kill us only makes us stronger right. Well, my family has said our prayers and goodbyes to Harry Potter (that was our guinea pigs name) and now we have to move on. As far as the diet goes thats still going great, I lifted Biceps and did 30 minutes on tradmill this morning as well. Not really into talking to much today, but hope everyone has a good day. Talk to you all tommorrow.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Thursday November 8th 2007
Good Morning. Everything is so far so good and feeling great, yesterday ate my 4 meals at the selected times, and this morning got up early and lifted and did the 30 minutes on treadmill. I gotta tell ya, its a great feeling to come in to work at 9am having already gotten in a good workout and good cardio exercise. The Zylene has given me the energy to get my butt in gear, its taken away my appetite and cravings for bad food, and the fact that Im eating less, and better combined with working out make me so much more alert all day. I am able to focus and concentrate better, im much more active at work as well, even when im a little sore from workouts I have like this inner drive all day. I know its me choosing the right foods and how much to eat, and its me getting up to go to they gym, but its the zylene fueling me thru it all, along with the multi mineral and multi nutrient keeping my body running smoothly and healthy. I have seen infomercials about diet pills and diet supplements and always wonder if they really work, well I am taking these pills and they absolutely do work. I would reccomend them to anyone, family, friends or anyone wishing to betther their health. Aside from the fact that they work great for me, there is even a 30 day money back gurantee that they offer, I mean I know that they work but hey if your not happy then you can even send them back. Ok im done with that speel, Im no salesperson, I just know that these products are working great for me, and anyone else trying to betther their lifestyle should look into it, take a look at the ingredients and what each do for you its amazing, it truly is. The bottom line is eating healthier and working out a little bit more is the key to losing weight. For those of you (like me) who need that extra boost of energy, and that little something to keep you from feeling hungry or craving junk food then this product can help you. If you have any questions or comments at all please leave me a line on the blog or email me at and I will get back to you ASAP. 34.5lbs in 38 days is what im down so far, if i can do it so can you. Its never to late to start your journey to a happy, healthier you.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Wednesday (weigh day) Nov. 7th 2007
Happy Wednesday. Hope everyone is doing well and having a good week so far. Yesterday was another good day on my journey to a healthy lifestyle. I had 2 protein shakes, and 2 tuna sandwiches. This morning I got up and lifted legs, did 3 sets of leg press, 3 sets of leg curls and 3 sets of leg extensions, and followed that up with 30 minutes on the tread mill. I was only able to do 50% incline today as my legs were worn down from the leg lifts. Then stopped off for my wednesday weigh in and was down another 5lbs this week. So that puts me at 291.5 down from a starting weight of 326. Ive lost 34.5lbs in 38 days. Whats even better than that is i feel better than ever, I have more energy, I am happier and my clothes keep getting bigger and bigger. Well needless to say I am on cloud 9. Hope everyone has a great day.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Tuesday, November 6th 2007
Morning. Hope everyone is doing well and sticking to their good eating and exercising habits, and if you havent started yet, get to it. Its hard to start but once you start every day gets easier. Had to get up especially early this morning, had to take my son to school and had to make sure I hit the gym prior to dropping him off. So I was at the gym at 6am waiting for them to open. haha. Now this is crazy cause just a month ago I would be sleeping and dreaming about anything but working out, most likely dreaming about food, but now I was at the gym waiting for it to open so I could work out prior to dropping my son off. As I sat on the bench waiting i was thinking about how drastically my life has changed for the better in the last month and was smiling at the situation. Then I worked out, did 3 sets of 3 different exercises each (triceps) but as sad as it may seem i have no idea what they were called, then I did 20 minutes on the treadmill at full incline. Got home showered dropped off my son at school and was off to work. Its an amzing feeling knowing before 9am I do more in one day than I used to do in a full day. Also I wanted to thank Kevin, Ed, and Mary for their comments and support I appreciate it very much. Have a great day everyone. Until Tommorrow.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Monday November 5th 2007 (pictures updated)
Hello Everyone. Hope you all had a good weekend. Ill quickly go over yesterdays events. I had 2 protein shakes, Steamed broccoli and a grilled chicken sandwich. This morning I got up and went to the gym and did 25 minutes on the treadmill, with the full incline. Ok, 1st Jason. thanks alot for the kind words. Yes it was and still is very hard to take not only take those pics but also post them publically, I dont even like taking my shirt off around my friends. But Yes the pics below are 28 days after the original pics. When I took the pics yesterday and looked at them on the camera I kinda got depressed cause I was like wow, I have so much work to do, but this morning when I saw them next to the 1st pics from 28 days ago, I was very happy that you can definentley see a difference in just 28 days. I know that I have a long way to go, but Im doing very well so far and feel great about my accomplishments so far. Thanks everyone for you support and kindness, and please keep it up, I need it. Hopefully the pics will show others that Im not just making up weight loss results each week, the results are real, I am real and in fact, Zylene is the Truth. I am so happy Jason introduced me to it, and so glad I gave it a try. Guys this stuff works, the pics dont lie. Thank you all again, but I have just begun my journey, this is just chapter 1 of a long novel called my life. Hopefully you guys can jump on with me and be on your way to a better, healthier you. Just get started you will be glad you did.... Have a great day everyone.
First month Before and After Pictures...
Ryan is going to post a blog in a bit below are the results of one month of taking Zylene... I would like to thanks Ryan for posting pictures of himself up and I know he is very embarrassed of how he let himself slip. For those of you who know Ryan know he can be very shy and reserved and this was not easy for him but I think he knows that he is not only helping himself but also helping others. I would also like to thank those that have written comments, sent emails, and ordered from the website.
This is going to be an amazing ride and I really hope those who have started taking zylene can share their experiences with Ryan. Please share your thoughts from time to time its very much appreciated...
FYI we are not professionals taking these pictures, they are done by a normal camera and there is no editing involved. Ryan is wearing the same outfit to show the results... Very impressive so far... KEEP IT UP BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is going to be an amazing ride and I really hope those who have started taking zylene can share their experiences with Ryan. Please share your thoughts from time to time its very much appreciated...
FYI we are not professionals taking these pictures, they are done by a normal camera and there is no editing involved. Ryan is wearing the same outfit to show the results... Very impressive so far... KEEP IT UP BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007
Sunday November 4th 2007
Hello Everyone, Hope everyone is having a great weekend. My weekend is going very well and im eager to take my 1st months after pics a little later on today. Yesterday I did good again eating my 4 meals at the pre selected times. This morning I got up and hit the gym. I did 3 set of curls, 3 sets of concentration curls, and 3 sets of crazy 8s followed by 30 minutes on the treadmill with full incline, I enjoy that alot its a good good burn and I sweat a ton doing that, while the rubber surface is as easy as can be on my knees. Also last night I went to pick up Dunkin Doughnuts, even went inside and still had zero cravings for any of it, and the sense of acheivement you have when you walk out and get none of that junkfood is a great feeling, not to mention I went to a good friends daughters Bday party yesterday and easily passed on the pizza and cake it truly is a great feeling guys. Ok well everyone have a great rest of their weekend and Ill talk to you all tommorrow with the updated pics. I cant wait, hope your all as excited as me. Its never to late to start your journey to a healthier you, I as well as many others will be here to lend you support, advice and well wishes.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Saturday November 3rd 2007
Hello everyone, hope your all having a good start to your weekend. Everything still good on the health kick front. Yesterday had 2 tuna sandwiches and 2 protein shakes. Got up this morning and lifted 3 sets of lat pulldowns, 3 sets of rows and 3 sets of lat raises, then did 15 minutes full incline on the treadmill. I feel great physically and mentally and am looking forward to seeing my progress thru 1 month via the pictures tommorrow. Well its Saturday dont want to take up to much of your time. Have a great weekend.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Friday November 2nd 2007
Hello again. Im doing well and feeling great, yesterday I had ran out of Protein shakes, so I only had 3 Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches thruout the day, along with my zylene and 2 multi vitamins. Also something I havent brought up much I dont think is how much water I drink. 1st I never drank water at all prior to my lifestyle change, and now im easily drinking 80 to 120 ounces day. I also drink diet iced tea and crystal light but it gets expensive so mainly just water. 1st the more water you drink the more full you feel, which is great, 2nd it helps flush out your system, and also its great for you with no calories, what could be better than that. So I got up this morning and went to gym, I lifted chest, 3 sets of incline, 3 sets of flat, and 3 sets of flys. Then I did 20 minutes on the treadmill on full incline, and I gotta admit that full incline is a very nice little workout. Also wanted to remind you all again, will be taking my 1st after pics on Sunday and they should be posted on Monday, So I am really looking forward to that. Hope everyone has a great weekend and continues or starts their journey to a healthier you.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Thursday November 1st 2007
Hello, Hope everyone is doing well. I am feeling great and to be honest quite excited to see what the 1st month after pictures will look like. My pants are very big on me now, and im down 29.5lbs so im very eager to see the 2 pics side by side. So anyways the thoughts of the updated pics are consuming my mind. My eating habits are still going great, and im feeling great mentally and physically. Its crazy that a month ago, I was stuffing my face with all kinds of fast food and fried greasy junk, and now I have no cravings for that stuff at all, and for someone who did nothing as far as physical activity goes, now I cant wait till my next work out. Its amazing how far ive come mentally so quick, and I know i have very long way to go, but the great thing is that every day Im one day closer to my goal, and its a beautifl thing.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Wednesday October 31st 2007
Hello Everyone. Ive got a story/message to tell everyone today, But before I get into that Ill do the regular stuff and the weight loss update. Yesterday was fine ate 4 meals at regular times and this morning did 25 minutes of cardio on the eliptical before work. Went to weigh in and was down to 296.5, I lost 3.5 more lbs this week and am down a total of 29.5lbs in 31 days. Its worth noting that when I 1st got the pills it stated that generally people lose 6-10% of their overall body weight in the 1st month, I started at 326 and 32lbs would be 10% I lost 29.5lbs so im just under 10% loss of total body weight in that 1st month. OK thats all fine and good, but now I wanna share something with all of you that have ordered these pills, are gonna order these pills or are starting any weight loss or better health plan. Yesterday a female coworker who ordered the same weight loss pills that I am taking (without the vitamins) came up to me and said "On Sunday I was feeling sick" I immediatley said what was wrong, tell me what happened. As it turns out she explained to me that what she was doing was, whenever she got hungry she would take a Zylene and then she wouldnt be hungry anymore, but on Sunday she didnt eat all day and then felt sick with a bad headache sunday evening. I asked her how much she lost and she told me 6 lbs in 2 weeks. I said thats great your losing weight but thats not healthy at all. So please allow me to explain to everyone what I explained to her and she seemed to totally understand my point. Lets say your watching the food channel and the person on tv makes a great looking, great tasting chocolate cake, and they even give you all the ingredients that you need and the quanities of each ingredient and the proper temperature to cook and for how long. Your excited about it cause you wanna make that chocolate cake for yourself or your family, you rush out and get all the ingredients but forgot to follow the directions for the amounts of each ingredient or how hot to heat the oven and your cake turned out burnt and didnt taste right cause you didnt put the correct amount of each product into the cake. Now lets say that that perfect looking, perfect tasting cake you saw on tv, is the healthy body that each one of us desire for our very own. We can be told all the ingredients to help us lose weight, and we can be told the right things to eat, and the proper cardio/exercises to do to get in shape, but if you dont follow the directions it wont fully work the way you want things to work. EVERYONE is capable of making that perfect looking, perfect tasting cake, but to make that perfect cake you need to follow the proper guidelines to do so. Same as losing weight, we can all lose weight and get healhty and acheive the body composition we want, but we have to follow directions and do things the right way. The bottom line to losing weight is a very simple thing, but not so easy to do. The simple truth is eat less, and exercise more and you will lose weight, the more strict your eating is, and the harder you exercise the quicker youll lose weight and the better results you will see. But many people like me, have been eating bad and doing nothing cardiovascular for so long that making the adjustment to healthy eating and getting in some exercise is not easy. I take 1 zylene when I wake up, and I take one more at 3 pm. I eat 4 small meals a day 9am, 1130, 2pm and 5pm, and then drink lots of water and diet iced tea or crystal light. I also take Nutravex and Biozyte the 2 Multi mineral and Multi nutrients that you take with zylene, the vitamins are very important because you need to make sure your body gets the proper vitamins that your body may be missing from eating less. The zylene zaps your appetite away completely, and gives you energy, the energy is to help you be more active thus burning more calories and losing more weight, along with the built in thermogenic thats boosts your metabolism. The fact that you wont crave foods or be hungry should not be used to not eat anything at all as that is starvation and will get you no where long term, plus its very unhealthy. Instead you should take advantage of the fact you dont have cravings or the urge to eat bad food and eat healhty food, such as salads, tuna, chicken, turkey, etc. You need to eat to feed your body and keep your metabolism running smoothly, starvation is not the answer. I know that none of you know me and sure I could be lying about all this weight loss, but the truth is Im a real person who really was 326 and am now 296.5 lbs, ive lost 29.5 lbs in 31 days and that is the truth, and although I am the one who has to eat properly and carry my butt to the gym, I know for 100% fact that without zylene to control my appetite and give me the energy to get to the gym I wouldnt have been able to do it, and without the multi mineral and multi nutrient (biozyte & nutravex) my body wouldnt have been able to handle the complete change in eating and the cardio that I started to do, they power your immune system and much much more to keep your body healhty while your eating less and exercising more. My 1st after pictures will be taken this Sunday and posted Monday, and you will all be able to see 1st hand that these products do work, and can work for you too, if you take them the right way. OK so ive went on long enough, hope everyone has a great day and hope you all eat a little better and exercise a little more.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Tuesday October 30th, 2007
Hello Everyone, and good morning. Hope everyone is doing well and feeling fine. Yesterday was another good day on my journey to a healthy me. Had 2 protein shakes and 2 sandwiches at the regular times. This morning got up early and lifted biceps, 3 sets of curls, 3 sets of hammer curls and 3 sets of crazy 8's and then did 15 minutes of cario on the treadmill, did it on full incline which is alot harder and gets me sweating alot more than the eliptical also makes my legs alot more sore so I know it is working well. Also tommorrow is weigh day so I will have a weight loss update tommorrow and a reminder that I will be doing new pictures this sunday, to be posted on Monday. This will be the 1st after pictures and it will be 4 weeks (28 days) after the initial pics. So Im looking forward to see how that goes. Have a great day everyone.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Monday October 29th 2007
Good Morning All, Sunday was a good day, got up and walked the 3 loops, 2.1 miles, and felt really good doing it, I am walking alot faster now. Doing the eliptical is making walking alot easier, and the sun felt good while I was walking. For sunday I had a protein shake at 9am, a salad at 11:15, at 2:30 Rotissierie chicken and steamed broccoli, and then another protein shake just after 5. Its the 2nd week in a row ive gone to watch football with the guys and had ZERO issues with cravings for anything I am not supposed to be eating. Last night, I lost the Superbowl to the Broncos in my Madden game, I know that none of you probably care about that lol, but It kinda ticked me off last night. Im just about to start season 5. Anyways back to real life, I got up this morning and lifted 3 sets of shoulder press, 3 sets of laterall raises and 3 sets of shrugs, then did 20 minutes of cardio on the treadmill. Walked with the machine on full incline and to be honest it was alot harder than even the eliptical is. So feeling good and all is well. Something a friend of mine mentioned to me yesterday is I havent been sick at all lately, and I was sick often because of how unhealhty my lifestyle was. But now with the vitamins, eating right and exercise my body is running much better, so on top of feeling great, I havent been sick at all either, its amazing what treating your body right will do for you, Im so glad I chose to change my lifestyle to better my health, I really am.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
October 27th, 2007
Hello Everyone, Happy Weekend. So Ill get back to the norm a little bit today, and talk about my eating and exercise. Yesterday I had 2 Protein shakes, a salad with regular dressing but very small quanity, and a PB & J sandwich on wheat. Last night after work I stopped at the Taco Bell drive thur for my wife, and the McDonalds drive thru for my son, and didnt even have an urge or craving to get anything for myself. Although I have to admit the food smelled really good in my car on the way home. OK, so took home the food for them, then walked to the gym, Lifted 3 sets of incline dumbell press, 3 sets of flat dumbell press and 3 sets of butterflys, then did 15 minutes on the eliptical. This morning before work walked back to gym and lifted legs, did 3 sets of leg press, 3 sets of leg extensions , and 3 sets of leg curls. I woke up to late to do cardio, but I will do that tonight after work. Anyways feeling great and eating great, hope you guys are jumping aboard and getting healthy with me, its hard at 1st, but then it becomes part of your regular day. If I can do it you can do it. Hope everyone has a happy, healthy and safe weekend. More updates soon.
Friday, October 26, 2007
October 26th, 2007 (Picture Info)
Hello Everyone, First off, John fromMaine, thanks for the feedback and support, I appreciate it, and good luck on your quest for a healthier happier you. I know you will do fine just stay positive and it will all happen in time. If you John from Maine, or anyone else has any questions or comments feel free to ask me either here on the blog or if rather it not be public just email me, and ill repsond with advice, support or whatever you need asap. My diet has been fine and my exercising as well, just didnt wanna repeat the same things over and over and bore you all, but yes FYI all of that stuff is going great. As far as a picture update goes, I will be taking pictures next Sunday and posting them on Monday, Not the Sunday in 2 days but the following Sunday and than every 28 days after so Ill be doing a picture update every 28 days. Have a good day and be healthy.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
October 25th, 2007
Good Morning All, I am gonna take a break today from posting the usual and share something related to my work/personal life aside from dieting and exercising. As I mentioned in a previous update I work 70+ hours a week, both because I have a ton of work to do and also because I need the OT. Anyways, I have recently been promoted to Department Manager, and moved from hourly to salary, so I will be working less and making more. I am extremley happy with being promoted and although I know ive been here a long time and been a very loyal and dedicated employee for a long time, I also know that over the last month since ive been taking the Diet pill, and especially the Multi Mineral and Multi Nutrient, along with help me contorl my appetite, cravings for food, and help me lose weight, the vitamins, working out and eating better have made me much more alert, and able to pay much better attention to detail, and alot has to do with the vitamins and their benefits to the body. Plus the extra energy I have from the pills and the working out ive been doing, im much more active at work, and accomplishing alot more in a given day. So technically not only has the vitamins and the diet helped me lose weight, it played an important role in me getting a promotion. So needless to say im extremley happy and proud of myself for the last 20+ days of effort to become a happier, healthier person. It is paying off in more ways than I ever could have imagined. I again wanna thank Jason for reccommending the product to me, and all of you that have sent me comments or emails with support, advice and well wishes, I appreciate it very much. For all of the people who have ordered the product, I know you will love it and wish you the same success that Ive had in using it, if you have any questions please ask me either thru the comments of the blog or thru the email I will get back to you ASAP. Thanks again, talk to everyone tommorrow.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Wednesday October 24th 2007, WEIGH DAY
Good Morning All, well I must admit Im in a pretty good mood, yesterday the 23rd was my Birthday, (turned 30) I didnt even have an inkling of a craving for any cake, and thats all the pill because I know me and Im all about the cake, lol. Anyways, yesterday was good, had 2 sandwiches on wheat and 2 protein shakes. This morning I woke up late, but still hit the gym for 30 minutes on the eliptical, and although it was tiring I felt great that even though I got up late I still hit the gym and didnt put it off. Got home showered got ready for work, and stopped at my weigh station, lol, and actually walked in confidentally, I just felt that I had been doing good, anyways I weighed myself and just had a huge smile and happiness consumed my body, and Im being dead serious. I lost 6 more pounds, I was amazed I knew id be down but didnt expect to lose 6 more lbs, Im down from 326 to 300, ive lost 26lbs in 24 days, and aside from feeling great mentally for doing so well so far, I feel great physically, I walk straighter, I keep my head up instead of always looking at the ground, and I just feel so healthy, its a great great feeling, and I know ive got a long way to go, but the beginning of this journey has been very rewarding so far and I cant wait to continue improving my overall health, self esteem, and even my physical appearance. So again, down 6 more lbs this week, down from 326-300, 26lbs in 24 days. If youve started already keep it up, and if your havent, now is as good a time as any. Have a good day everyone.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Tuesday, October 23rd, 2007
Hello Everyone. Yesterday the eating was good yet again, Im very happy with the how the pill helps take away my appetite and contols my cravings for eating unhealthy food. Yesterday I had 2 protein shakes and 2 Tuna Sandwiches, along with my Zylene and 2 muti vitamins. This morning I got up eary and went to the gym, I lifted Biceps today, 3 sets of regular curls, 3 sets of hammer curls, and 3 sets of crazy eights, then I did 20 minutes on the eliptical machine, also I noticed that it was much much easier to do cardio after biceps, than it was to do cardio after shoulders or chest. Anyways I am really sore but feel great mentally that Im doing so well so far. Im pretty excited about tommorrows weigh day, my pants are hanging off my butt without a belt, and when I started as you can see in the before pics theres no belt and there tight on me. Ok, so I will talk to you all tommorrow after I weigh in and update you with the new weight. Have a good day all.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Monday October 22nd, 2007
Hello Everyone, Sorry about not posting on Sunday, but dont fret I will fill you in on all the details, lol. Saturday I was feeling great all day, I was very happy that I had lifted and did cardio prior to coming to work, I had 2 protein shakes and 2 tuna sandwiches all at the 4 usual times. Saturday night I was extrmely tired though, my body was a little sore from lifting and since hadnt lifted in a LONG LONG time my body was just drained come Saturday night. Got up Sunday morning and was tired and sore, but took my zylene and my morning mutlivitamin and within a half hour I was walking to the gym to lift and do cardio. I did 3 sets of overhead dumbell press, 3 sets of laterall raised and 3 sets of shrugs, and then followed that up with a 20 minute jaunt on the eliptical machine, followed by a cool down and the walk back home. Then had a protein shake, showered and was getting ready to meet some friends from work at the sports theatre restaurant, where they have 10 100" movie screens with a different football game on each, OH YES its a beautiful thing, lol. Met up with them and had 3-4 waters and a Chicken Ceaser salad, and I did put on some of the dressing but very very little, and this is still a ton better than what i would normally eat when I go to a restaurant, so i was very proud of myself for holding up and eating right. Its good to know can still hang with the guys, watch football and still eat the right way, not to mention none of them gave me a hard time cause they see me losing the weight and they all started eating better too, and the pill has been helping us all, so its a great thing. Left the theatre after the 1pm games and went home, had a protein bar at 5pmish, and then my nightly multi vitamin, and then just had water and diet iced tea the rest of the night. This morning I over slept and didnt go to they gym, however I will at the very least do cardio tonight with hopes of lifting also, just depends on what time Im able to leave work, and if the gym will still be open. Ok so thats enough for now, hope everyone has a great Monday and will be talking to you all tommorrow. Im really excited about the weigh day on Wednesday this week, the tan/beige pants I had on in the before pics, are falling off of me now, and although its annoying to keep pulling them up (since I didnt think I needed a belt) its a great feeling to know that they were tight on me and now they dont even fit without a belt, so im very happy about that. Until tommorrow.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Saturday October 20, 2007
Hello, hope everyone is enjoying there weekend so far. I am feeling great, got up at 6am this morning went to the gym for a quick workout before coming into work. Did chest today, 3 sets of dumbell flat bench press, 3 sets of incline press on machine and 3 sets of cable crossovers. Its been a long long time since ive lifted weights, so this may not seem like much, but boy was I feeling it. After lifting I got on the eliptical machine for 15 minutes, this machine had me dripping with sweat in no time, then did 15 minutes of steep incline walking on the treadmill followed by a slow 5 minute cooldown, then showered and off to work to start my day today. My body is definentley a little tired/sore from the workout however mentally I feel great, and am very glad I got up and worked out before work today. Yesterday, had 2 protein shakes and 2 tuna sandwiches. (FYI, my wife found this great mutli grain low carb bread with only 5 carbs per slice, and it tastes really good too.) Well, hope everyone has a good weekend and sticks to their eating plan and gets in some exercise, talk to you all soon.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Friday Oct 18th 2007 (A Thank You Post)
Hello All, 1st off I want to say thank you to "Fatfreeme" for the contribution to the blog, I am honored that you would call me an inspiration, and also I wanted to say great job with the weight loss so far, you are an inspiration to me as well, cant wait to see your blog up and running as well. So keep it up, and Ill be right here along side you the whole way. I also wanted to change a little today and not discuss what I did yesterday, but instead say a special thanks to the person who got me started with Zylene, Biozyte, and Nutravex, (the weight loss, multi mineral and multi nutrient that Im taking). Like many others Ive tried many different diets in the past and even just eating right without any diet aids, and all usually fail pretty quickly. So when my friend who was always trying to get me to lose weight said he tried this new pill called zylene, I was skeptical, another new weight pill yada yada yada, but he showed me the site and I looked at all the ingredients and their qualities and how they can benefit me and was quite impressed, one ingredient can even help reduce the risk of cancer. (anyone can view the ingredients by going to then click on products, then click on one of the 3 products and click ingredients) it will show you whats in every pill, what the ingredients are and the benefits of each. So anyways I told him I would try the pill, his father dropped me off some samples and after the 1st few hours I could already feel my appetite diminishing, and it makes choosing the right foods easy because I never feel starving, I just eat to feed my body and Im putting the right food, the healthy food in my body. The pill is working great and my appetite is still very much so under control. Also along with the diet pill Im taking the Multi Mineral and the Multi Nutrient, at 1st when I took them I was just taking them because they were replacing the vitamins and minerals I was losing from eating less, but the last few days Ive noticed that my overall mood, and the way I feel has improved alot too, and I am sure its partially due to the fact that Im losing weight and feel great about that, but also I think its because of the benefits the 2 vitamins are giving me, when I reread the ingredients this morning I was like wow, I cant beleive all of the stuff these little pills have inside them, but the proof is how good I feel because of them. Anyways, Jason I wanna say thank you VERY VERY MUCH for kinda making me try these pills, these pills have helped change me from someone who ate fast food daily, consumed at least 6 cans of soda a day, and the most exercise I got was walking from my Apt. to my car, not to mention how miserable and unhappy I was on the inside about the way I looked on the outside, and now I eat 4 healthy meals a day (and save alot of money eating my new way) look forward to my cardio walk at night and reap the rewards of self satisfaction for my new healhty lifestyle. So thank you very much Jason, for pushing me to start, every day has been easier ever since and now its just taking it one day at a time until I reach my goal. To everyone else that has already started there new healthy lifestyle keep it up, lets do it together, and to everyone else who has yet to start, Join us, we can all do it together, it can happen it just takes a little kick in the butt to get started, just start, you will be glad you did.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Thursday October 18th 2007
Hello Everyone, Want to start by saying thanks for the positive feedback both in the blog and also in the emails, I appreciate the support more than you know. There was a question about when the new pictures would be coming. This is something Ive been wondering myself is exactly how often new pics should be posted. Lets not forget the diet started on Oct, 1st, I took the pill for the 1st time on the 3rd, and those before pics were taken on the 7th and posted on the 8th so its really only been 10 days since the original pics were posted. One thing I can tell you for sure is the pics will be taken on a Sunday and posted the following Monday to the blog, just not 100% sure which Monday as of yet, but I promise you they will be coming soon. On to yesterdays activties. The eating was fine as it has been, I kind of feel like a machine as I just eat when the clock tells me too, lol, Took pills, at 8am, had protein shake at 915am, PBJ sandwich at, 1145am, 230pm, and 5pm. Yesterday I worked from 9am, until 1030pm, then went home changed into shorts and tshirt and went for my walk. I did the 3 loops or laps again, (2.1 miles) and felt great actually, also I walked much faster than normal. Again Im not saying I look like Carl Lewis at all, Im just saying compared to the pace I was originally doing I was going much faster, and the walk itself was much easier than it was when I started. That made me feel good because it showed me I was making progress and improving my overall health. (ive got a very long way to go, but im gonna get there, one day at a time) Also, afterwards I was a little sore, but not nearly as sore as when I started, so clearly my body is adapting so that is a good thing. Ok, so thats that, again thanks for all the feedback and support I really do appreciate it, and it does feel good to know there are people behind you, so thank you all for that.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Wednesday Ocotober 17th (WEIGH DAY)
Hello Everyone, Well today is another weigh day and as I said i was very anxious and nervous. Got up this morning, took a shower, got dressed, took out the trash, and on my way in to work I stopped at the place where I have been weighing myself parked the car, and proceeded to walk inside. My eyes were unflinching as I made my way across the parking lot, 2 tumbleweeds even blew by me and the music from The Good The Bad and The Ugly even started to play. Ok sorry enough of that, I walked in got on the scale and I was down to 306, 6 more pounds I lost this week and down a total of 20lbs in 17 days, from 326 to 306. Obviously Im very happy about this and and love the fact that its going so well. I have a long way to go but im getting closer to my goal every day. Thanks everyone who has offered kind words and advice, your words help alot. I know im not done yet but I fell great. Ill talk to you all again tommorrow I have to go and be happy.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Tuesday October 16th
Hello All. I am a little frustrated this morning, after not working Saturday or Sunday I had alot of work to catch up on yesterday and I was stuck at work until 10:51pm last night. The good news is I am almost completely caught up, the bad news is I was very dissapointed in myself as last night I didnt do any cardio when I got home I just went straight to bed. Im trying to just be positive and stay in good spirits and I know in the past if I didnt work out I would just be like, oh well, and now im actually dissapointed in myself so I can tell my mindset has changed, yes its bad that I didnt do cardio, but its a good thing that i am mad at myself it will motivate me that much more to get off my butt and make sure I do my cardio tonight. As far as the eating part goes I have that under control with the help of the pills im taking. Yesterday I had my pills at 8am, Protein shake at 9 am, chicken salad sandwich at 1145am, tuna sandwich at 240pm, and a protein shake at 520pm, so I am very happy with that half now I just need to conquer the physical side, and im getting there and doing alot better than I was but still have alot of progress to make. As my friend always tells me, "Baby steps Ryan, Baby steps". Ok, so Tommorrow is my weigh day and I will update the blog with my new weight tommorrow. I started on Oct 1st, at 326, and last Wenesday, my 1st weigh in I was 312 down 14lbs. So im very anxious but also very nervous about my weigh day tommorrow. Well, hope everyone has a great day and I'll see you all tommorrow with my new weight update. Don't forget its never to late to start getting healthy, your body will thank you for it.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Monday October 15th
OK Everyone now we are all caught up. Sunday was the day after the theme park where everyone is exhausted and nobody wants to move or do anything but sleep/rest. We all got up and packed the car I walked about 1/4 mile to pick up breakfast for the family, and then 1/4 mile back so we could all eat together at the hotel room. (nothing great but a nice little walk there and back prior to breakfast to get the metabolism started never hurt anybody. I ate scrambled eggs for breakfast. There was a big Mcdonalds about 1 mile from our Hotel that was much larger than any Mcdonalds Id ever seen, so we made it a point to stop there for some pics and for my son to be able to play there, but when we got in we saw there wasnt any playground or anything just a very clean Mcdonalds with 4 40" tvs all connected into like 1 160" tv playing disney cartoons. It was quite the spectacle, but the bigger thing for me was that although everyone else got something to eat all I got was a water, and I didnt even have the urge to get anything. This is a big deal for me because prior to me changing the way I was eating and exercising it was rare for me to even drive by a fast food place and not stop to get something let alone actually walk in a fast food place and not get anything to eat it was a big step for me and I passed alot of self tests this weekend, and was very happy about that. The drive home was peaceful as everyone napped except me while I drove home and then we got home and ended our vacation safely. A good ending to a very fun, happy and event filled weekend. For the day I had scrambled eggs, a protein shake, and 2 tuna sandwiches. I did not do cardio on Sunday with exception of the walk to and from picking up breakfast, but as of tonight the goal is to start with the everynight walks again. But as I said before, this weekend was a huge success 1) because my son had a great time and loved it and thats why we went was for him and 2) I was able to completely stick to my eating plan and that is a huge step for me. Hopefully those of you reading the blog have started making a change in your eating habits and/or exercising habits and are on your way to a healthier you. If not its never to late to start, stop waiting to start tommorrow and start your journey to a happy, healthier life today. Good Luck to us all.
Sunday Oct 14th, Written on Monday the 15th
Hello Again, So Saturday was a very very LONG and tiresome day, but a very very fun day also. Woke up at 545am whole family took showers I took my pills and a protein shake, and we were out the door to start our day. (This weekend was my sons 1st trip to Disney World) In an effort not to make this post 5 pages long I will sum things up as short as possible without losing the more important details of what took place. But for the most alongside endless amounts of fun, Disney includes, endless walking, endless amounts of different types of food, and meeting all the characters and rides you could ever imagine. By the way I found out that at the age of 3 my son already cannot stand waiting in line, whether its to meet Winnie the Pooh, to go on a ride or to get the food he wants, hes quite the impatient young man, but Ive never seen him as happy as he was on Saturday. So anyways thurout watching my family eat at what seemed like every single vendor, lol, alls i did was drink water, and have a total of 2 protein shakes. Then we had reservations to eat at Chef Mickeys, where my son gets to eat dinner with Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, and Goofy, He had an absolute blast, was so happy for him he was just in heaven with all his favorite tv cartoon heroes. Also this was a true test as part of the package was an all you can eat buffet, I was a very good boy and all I ate was 2 Chicken Breast (even peeled the skin off) and some green beans. So I was very proud of myself that a trip to Disney and I was strong enough to not cheat at all, and get in good exercise at the park itself. So it was a success in my book as my son had a great time, and I got in plenty of walking and ate extremley well. Only negative if there is one is I am burnt like a lobster, and my pockets are now empty, lol but it was a great time and my sons happiness was well worth it.
Saturday Oct, 13th. Written Monday the 15th
Hello everyone, Sorry for the delay I wasnt able to make updates while away this weekend, This will just be a qucik update of activities for what I did and ate on Friday. Friday was a very routine day, protein shake at 9am, than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on wheat at 1130am and 2pm then a protein shake at about 7pm, I had the protein shake at 7pm because I was driving to Orlando and didnt get there, check in, and unpack the car till about 7pm. My eating was fine on Friday, however after in the hotel just settled down and went to bed, I didnt do any cardio on Friday, however I was pretty sore after 3 straight days of 2.1 mile walks anyways. But I did feel kinda guilty that I didnt do cardio on Friday night. However that guilt would soon fade away after Saturdays "workout" lol. Saturdays events will be updated shortly.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Friday, October 12th 2007
Hello again everyone...1st off thanks Susan for your response, and good luck on your quest to lose the 70lbs. Please keep me/us up to date as to how you are doing. I know it makes it a little easier for me to complete my exercising knowing that I am gonna have to write what I did on my blog and if I slack off everyone will know, lol. and to be honest it may be a blessing in disguise because I wanna succeed not only for myself, my wife and my son, but now I wanna succeed to show all of you that it can be done, and hopefully we can all do it together, so as shocking as it may seem all of you help keep me going too, so for that i thank you. OK, so now on to yesterdays activities. Yesterday, once again took the pill in the morning, then did my 4 meals accoring to time, and I try to be as close to 9, 1130ish, 2pmish and 5pmish, The pill im taking helps me curb my appetite so well that im really not that hungry at all during the day and its helping me greatly eat the right food because I am not craving anything, so instead of eating because I am starving I am eating because Its time to and I need to fuel my body. Im eating the 4 small meals because it keeps my metabolism going strong, and eventually up to 5 - 6 small meals a day. The reason its good to eat small meals thruout the day instead of 1 or 2 large meals is because your body breaks down the small meals better and keeps your body running smoothly instead of large meals that weigh you down and just sit in your belly all day. A good explanation of this for those who dont understand is, think of your body as a furnace or a fire, if you have a fire and throw 10 logs on the fire it will take a very long time for the fire to burn thru all the wood and at times can even put the fire out, but if you put 2 logs on the fire it will burn very quickly than 2 more and so on and so on....this is very similar to eating, the small meals are broken down much quicker than large meals and it helps keep your metabolism going faster which in turn helps you lose more weight. Hope that makes sense the way I wrote it...Anyways back to my day, the 4 meals were fine no problems with that, got off work at about 9:15 last night stopped at the store for some things my son needed for daycare/school and then got home just after 10pm, after unpacking the groceries I immediately changed into shorts and T-shirt and went out for my walk. I completed the 3 loops for a total of 2.1 miles for the 3rd straight day. My energy level was fine however this was the hardest walk to date, my legs were pretty sore and my feet are pretty sore and my body was just struggling to do the walk, my mind was fine just body wanted to quit, however I didnt quit I finished the walk, and on the way up the stairs to get to my door was rough lol, and in a crazy way I enjoyed the aches in my leg muscles because I knew i was shocking my body and this was good, however I was pretty sore. Once I got out of my clothes and into my night clothes and into my comfy recliner with and iced cold glass of WATER, lol, the soreness kinda went away and I was very happy and proud because despite the aches and pains in my legs I completed what I set out to do and am 1 day closer to my goal. and then a bit later actually passed out and slept all night in my chair. So today my legs are a bit sore but again I am fine and very happy with my ability to stay the course. Ok, well im gonna end this for today, last thing before I do is I am going out of town this weekend, and will try to post my daily blog from wherever I will be, However if I am not able to, I will make a post on Monday on my daily activities for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, but hopefully I will be able to post thruout...Everyone whose been eating better and exercising keep it up, and for those who havent its never to late to get started. A month from now we can be 30 days closer to our ultimate goal or we can still be making excuses as to why we havent started yet. Lets all get healthy for our loved ones, family, friends and most importanyly for ourselves.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Thursday October 11th, 2007
Hello again everyone. Yesterday was another good and healthy day for me. Yesterday I had a protein shake for breakfast at 9am, then at 1130 I had a tuna sandwich on wheat bread, at 2pm i had a Chicken salad sandwich and then at 5 I had another protein shake. Dont feel hungry at all, im just structuring my body to eat small meals over the course of the day. But not only has the pill helped curb my appetite, but its giving me energy (without ephedra or caffeine) enough energy to work my 12 hour day, and then come home and at 10pm last night Took another 2.1 mile brisk walk and felt great, it was noticeably easier than the Tuesday night walk and after the walk I feel great. A sense of pride and accomplishment for a day of healthy eating and a 35-40 minute walk. (i will need to get some walking/running shoes as the shoes im walking in are making me feet really sore ) Also, what i am doing is parking a decent walk away from my office building so i get a little walk in before work and after work, I figure every little bit helps. Hopefully my information can help some of you that are reading this, and if any of you have any tips to help burn more calories thruout the course of the day, or any tips at all please share them with me, or if you have any questions by all means ask and ill get back to you. Look forward to hearing from you all..
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Hello Everyone,
1st off I want to say thank you to everyone for their kind words and their well wishes. Hopefully my updates and eveyones encouragement can help all of us reach our independent goals. I know having a support group can help when times get tough and we are at our weakest.
Before I tell you about my 1st weight loss update I wanna share something with you all that really made me feel proud last night. Now this may not make sense to people that havent struggled with weight loss or getting to the gym, but anyone who has struggled will know exactly what I am talking about. The 1st 6 days of my new life I just focused on adjusting my body to eating less and getting thru my 12 hour work days, (I work over 70 hours a week). Last night, Tuesday the 9th of October, was gonna be my 1st night I go to the gym. I worked from 9am to 9pm, rushed home (because the gym in my complex closes at 10) got home at 932pm changed into shorts and Tshirt and was at the gym at 938pm thinking ok I can get in a good 20 minutes of cardio for my 1st night of exercise and that will be a good start. So I get to the gym and the door is locked, I rush over to the other entrance, locked again, I look in the window the lights are on but there is know one there, my first reaction is that im very ticked off, my 2nd reaction is well it wasnt meant to be, Im gonna go home and watch tv I will start tommorrow, and on the walk back to my car I start thinking im not gonna use this as an excuse, my whole life ive been saying Im gonna start tommorrow, I decide to just walk around my complex, im far from race walking but im walking at a much faster pace than just my regular walking pace. So I had no idea how long the loop around my complex was, after loop 1, was feeling great and wanted to feel a good sense of accomplishment so went for loop 2, still feeling great a little tired but had no idea how long the loop was so went for loop 3, and felt great when I completed loop 3. I got in my car and set the odometer to 0 and drove the loop to see how long it was, to my surprise and my extreme happiness it was .7miles a loop and I had done 3 loops, which is 2.1 miles so I felt great. Not only had I not just given up and waited till tommorrow I also had a very nice little 2.1 mile walk. I was very proud of myself, and this morning I am a wee bit sore but Im fine and looking forward to another nice walk tonight.
So, October 1st I went to 3 different locations to get a starting weight, and all 3 scales were quite different, So my actual starting weight may not be 100% accurate but the amount I lose will still be accurate because im gonna use the same scale thruout. My start weight on October 1st was 326, on October 3rd (Wednesday) I started taking Zylene and the 2 multivitamins. I weighed myself again this morning (October 10th) and i was at 312, so Ive lost 14 lbs. Needless to say when I got on the scale it took all my power not to yell out with joy. I knew Id be losing weight as my pants were considerably bigger on me but even I couldn't beleive I lost that much that quick, I am on a very enjoyable natural high right now and feel great and even more motivated than before.
So far ive been eating 4 small meals a day, I take the pills at 8am, then eat at 9am, 1130am, 2pm, and last at 5pm, and then just water, crystal light, or diet iced tea all day.
1st off I want to say thank you to everyone for their kind words and their well wishes. Hopefully my updates and eveyones encouragement can help all of us reach our independent goals. I know having a support group can help when times get tough and we are at our weakest.
Before I tell you about my 1st weight loss update I wanna share something with you all that really made me feel proud last night. Now this may not make sense to people that havent struggled with weight loss or getting to the gym, but anyone who has struggled will know exactly what I am talking about. The 1st 6 days of my new life I just focused on adjusting my body to eating less and getting thru my 12 hour work days, (I work over 70 hours a week). Last night, Tuesday the 9th of October, was gonna be my 1st night I go to the gym. I worked from 9am to 9pm, rushed home (because the gym in my complex closes at 10) got home at 932pm changed into shorts and Tshirt and was at the gym at 938pm thinking ok I can get in a good 20 minutes of cardio for my 1st night of exercise and that will be a good start. So I get to the gym and the door is locked, I rush over to the other entrance, locked again, I look in the window the lights are on but there is know one there, my first reaction is that im very ticked off, my 2nd reaction is well it wasnt meant to be, Im gonna go home and watch tv I will start tommorrow, and on the walk back to my car I start thinking im not gonna use this as an excuse, my whole life ive been saying Im gonna start tommorrow, I decide to just walk around my complex, im far from race walking but im walking at a much faster pace than just my regular walking pace. So I had no idea how long the loop around my complex was, after loop 1, was feeling great and wanted to feel a good sense of accomplishment so went for loop 2, still feeling great a little tired but had no idea how long the loop was so went for loop 3, and felt great when I completed loop 3. I got in my car and set the odometer to 0 and drove the loop to see how long it was, to my surprise and my extreme happiness it was .7miles a loop and I had done 3 loops, which is 2.1 miles so I felt great. Not only had I not just given up and waited till tommorrow I also had a very nice little 2.1 mile walk. I was very proud of myself, and this morning I am a wee bit sore but Im fine and looking forward to another nice walk tonight.
So, October 1st I went to 3 different locations to get a starting weight, and all 3 scales were quite different, So my actual starting weight may not be 100% accurate but the amount I lose will still be accurate because im gonna use the same scale thruout. My start weight on October 1st was 326, on October 3rd (Wednesday) I started taking Zylene and the 2 multivitamins. I weighed myself again this morning (October 10th) and i was at 312, so Ive lost 14 lbs. Needless to say when I got on the scale it took all my power not to yell out with joy. I knew Id be losing weight as my pants were considerably bigger on me but even I couldn't beleive I lost that much that quick, I am on a very enjoyable natural high right now and feel great and even more motivated than before.
So far ive been eating 4 small meals a day, I take the pills at 8am, then eat at 9am, 1130am, 2pm, and last at 5pm, and then just water, crystal light, or diet iced tea all day.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Welcome to my blog, Tuesday October 9th 2007
Hello, My name is Ryan, I am 29 years old and as you can see by my pics I am drastically overweight. I am married with a 3 year old son and want to watch my son grow old and play with him with the energy I used to have. My wife is very beautiful and very in shape and she deserves a husband who is also in shape to grow old with. I was well aware I was overweight, but recently became aware of how bad it was getting for me. After a routine trip to the supermarket, I was carrying bags to our apartment, and had to make 3 trips up and down the stairs (2nd floor), afterwards I was extremley winded and even lightheaded and started to think is this how pathetic Ive become. This prompted me to get a picture taken of myself and after seeing the pic my head was filled with thoughts of self disgust and remorse as to why I would let myself go like this. This Blog will be a Diary of my journey towards a new healthy life. If you know anyone, that is overweight and wants to improve their physical condition for a longer happier life, have them join the blog and we can all lose the weight together, we will be each others support group and motivate one another with our success stories and also help each other get thru those tough days that everyone whose tried to lose weight has had. Please wish me luck as I begin my journey to a happier, healthier life.
Monday, October 8, 2007

Monday October 8th ...
These are Ryans first pictures he has been taking the Zylene for 4 days now. In the first month you normally see a 6 to 10% weight loss. Ryan will update the blog weekly with how he feels, what he feels and his weight gain or weight loss. For those of you who know Ryan they know he has gone up and down in weight but I have never seen Ryan this big. His is over 30 lbs as the scale did not go that high and he is going to check a different scale today.. We will post a picture of him on a scale soon and weekly as well.
Can Ryan get down under 200lbs and how long will it take? Will he eat less? Have less cravings? Only one way to find out... Check the weekly updates for FATBOYSLIMS??? before and after.
If you are interested in trying zylene check out
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