Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tuesday March 4th - Full Frontal

Hello Everyone. Hope everyone is doing well. My son has the flu and it seems like my body is 1/2 fighting it off, as I for sure dont have the flu but I'm not 100%. I know that the nutravex and biozyte are the main reason I havent even gotten remotely sick since I started my life change in October. ( I call it my life change cause really its not a diet, a diet you get on and get off, but a life change is a way to change your life for the better, and in the process of making yourself healhtier you also look better have more energy and are even much happier)

Anyways This is the 1st time I am even remotely feeling sick. So I didnt work out the last couple days but am still at work and able to maintain normalcy in my daily routines. Hey it cant all be smooth sailing but its great to know that the pills and my lifestyle change aid me in many unseen ways as well.

Hope you all gave a great day and as I continue to say, if you have already started your change for the better keep it up and if you haven't started get to it, tommorrow will come no matter we can't change that but we can change ourselves. Good luck to all of us and keep it up.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Monday February 25th

Hello Everyone, Hope you all had a happy, healthy and safe weekend.

Its funny the longer I stay working out and eating better along with taking (zylene, biozyte, and nutravex) the more energy I have and I also notice myself doing A LOT more around the house. I work 6 days a week and my only off day is Sunday. I used to just rest and relax all day Sunday, however take yesterday for example. I woke up and went to gym, then took shower, washed dishes, cleaned the kitchen, went grocery shopping, then cut vegetables and meat for my wife to cook, my wife was shocked/amazed her deadbeat husband had done so much and she didn't even ask for help i Just did it, lol. Then she cooked, i did the dishes again, took out the garbage, cleaned her car and then last night did laundry.

Now I don't do this every Sunday and don't want to give that impression but yesterday I did all that and wasn't even tired. Now when I did pass out by 9pm from a long days work, but it wasn't a struggle throughout the day at all. This is in part because I have been working out and am in better shape and also cause I am in much better overall health, and I know that without the help of these 3 natural organic products I wouldn't be where I am today.

One thing I am not sure people realize is when you are losing weight and cutting calories you are not getting the necessary vitamins and minerals in your diet. You probably were not before but now that you are eating much less you almost definitely are not. That is where the Biozyte and nutravex add their vale to the zylene. Zylene gives energy and helps suppress your appetite along with fat oxidation and it does an amazing job. However, all 3 products together work as a fight burning machine as well as give me the energy and nutrition I need on a daily basis.

Anyways, Hope all of you that have started your journey to a healthier lifestyle are doing well, and hope everyone else that's thinking about it, stops thinking and starts doing. There is plenty of help along the way but we all have to take that 1st step by ourselves.www.health4wealth.com/watchmeshrink

Monday, February 18, 2008

2-18-08 NEW PICTURES!!!!!!!

Hello Everyone. Took some more pictures on Sunday 2-17-8. This is my 1st picture update since 12-24-7. It was amazing to me that those pants used to be tight on me. That was truly a great feeling to see how huge they appear next to me now. Last Wednesday i was 243, so these pics are basically showing a loss of 83 lbs, from 326 to 243.

Hope all of you have jumped on the bandwagon and begun your personal journey to a happier healthier you. If you havent its never to late to start. Tommorrow will come no matter what, but one thing we can do is try to better ourselves and for the record I am not talking about looking better (although thats a great bonus) what I am refering to is being healhtier and living a longer more energized life.

Good luck to all of you, if I can do it you can do it as well. Just start and dont look back, trust me you will be glad you did.www.health4wealth.com/watchmeshrink

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 13 2008 Down 84 lbs in 130 days

Hello Everyone, as you may or may not know Wednesday is my weigh day, This morning on the way to work I stopped and made the nerve racking walk to the scale. I weighed in at 243lbs, which is great overall but I must admit I wasnt happy with only losing 4lbs since last weigh in but the good news is Im still going in the right direction lol.

On October 1st I started at 326 lbs and as of today Feb 13 I am at 243 lbs. Down a grand total of 83 lbs in 130something days. I have a long way to go but at the rate Im going I will reach my goal in no time.

My last picture update was from 12-24-07 I and I plan to take my next pictures this Sunday. Hopefully you are all starting or keeping up with your own personal weight loss goals and on your way to a happier healthier you. Its possible people I am living proof.

Join me and we can all lose the weight together. It really is easier when your feel your not alone.www.health4wealth.com/watchmeshrink

8 weightloss/Fitness Myths


One thing I always try and stress is Zylene and the better health collection by themselves will help. You will fell more energy, start losing weight and your overall health will improve, but to reach your optimal level working out and diet are very important. Here are some myths people believe but are not always true.

Myth #1: Stretching is Essential

Research shows that stretching before exercise actually increases your chance of getting injured and may decrease your workout performance. According to Wyche, the best way to prepare your body for physical activity is with a three to five minute warm-up of easy walking, light cycling or gentle movement.

Myth #2: Muscle Turns into Fat or vice versa

"Fat and muscle are two totally separate types of tissue. They aren't interchangeable," says Wyche. People get fat when they stop working out because they continue to eat the same amount but burn off fewer calories. As a result, their unused muscles grow soft while they simultaneously gain excess body fat.

Myth #3: Stay Skinny with Diet alone

You can lose weight simply by cutting back on calories. But combining exercise with diet will help you lose weight more quickly. More importantly, it will help you keep the pounds off permanently. The majority of participants in the National Weight Control Registry (a survey of thousands of people who have lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off for years) report that a consistent exercise program is one of their key weight maintenance strategies.

Myth #4: Long and slow to zap fat

Wyche claims that the so-called "fat burning zone" is about as real as 'The Twilight Zone.' "The workout that burns as many calories as possible, whether it's long and slow or fast and furious, is the best workout for fat burning and weight loss," she advises.

Myth #5: Lose before lifting

Actually, if you're truly serious about losing weight, lifting weights two to three times a week is a must. "Building muscle helps maintain your metabolism even while you're resting and will help you slim down," Wyche notes. When you combine diet with cardio exercise only, you tend to lose a lot of muscle mass; weight training helps preserve muscle so more of your weight loss is truly from fat.

Myth #6: High Reps rule

Choose a weight you can lift at least eight times keeping good form but no more than 15 times without your muscle feeling the challenge. If you can do more reps than that, the weight you're using isn't heavy enough to give you results. And, as Wyche points out, decreasing body fat will help you see the shape of the muscles underneath.

Myth #7: Crunch away ab flab

There's no such thing as spot reducing -- that is, you can't magically zap the fat from an area by exercising it. Wyche says that you could do 5,000 crunches a day and still not see any improvements until you burn the layer of fat over your ab muscles, which is done by trimming your diet and burning more calories through cardio exercise.

Myth #8: Beef up to gain muscle

"The body uses protein, carbs and fat to build muscle," Wyche notes. Any excess protein you eat beyond what your body needs will simply be expelled through your urine or stored as body fat. Your best bet is to eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of vitamins and minerals and enough calories to build strong, shapely muscles.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Lose 10 lbs in 6 Weeks ...

Lose in 6 weeks replacing Coffee with GREEN TEA

In late 2004, an episode featuring Dr Nigel Perricone aired on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Mr Perricone has written a number of books including the Perricone Prescription, that relate to diet and health (the main premise of his diet is improving skin condition).
Dr Perricone said some interesting things about green tea, which has inspired some aggressive marketing.

Here is the original transcript from the Oprah show:
Oprah: Now I've read in your book that you said if I just replaced coffee with green tea instead, that I could lose 10 pounds in six weeks.

Dr. Perricone: Absolutely.

Oprah: Now really. How could that -- what is the big deal about this?

Dr Perricone: Coffee has organic acids that raise your blood sugar, raise insulin. Insulin puts a lock on body fat. When you switch over to green tea, you get your caffeine, you're all set, but you will drop your insulin levels and body fat will fall very rapidly. So 10 pounds in six weeks, I will guarantee it.

Oprah: I'm gonna do that. OK. That is so good! Whoo! That is great.

Zylene contains green tea and that is one of the great antioxidents that helps with weight loss and your overall health.

Green Tea:
contains catechins, which are known to possess potent antioxidant activity. They may provide beneficial health effects by protecting the body from the damaging effects of oxidative damage from free radicals. The powerful antioxidant activity is about 25-100 times more potent than vitamins C and E. A number of chronic disease states have been associated with free radical induced oxidative damage, including cancer, heart disease, and suppressed immune function and accelerated aging.

Reduces cholesterol & triglycerides*
Enhances immune function*
Enhances weight loss
Antioxidant effects*
Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease*

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wednesday January 30th 2008 - 79lbs lost

Hello Everyone, sorry I have not been updating as ofter, I will try and update atleast a few days a week. Today was my weigh day and needless to say I was once again very pleased with my weight. I now weigh 247, so I have lost 11 more lbs since my last weigh in day and am down 79lbs overall from my original 326. Which is 79 in roughly 120 days.

I feel great have more energy than ever and still have no hunger urges or cravings for junk foods. Some people say that a dietary supplement cannot do everything I say its doing, however its a huge help and when you see the weight coming off like I am it makes avoiding junk food and eating healthy so much easier. Not only that but it keeps me motivated to stay active and keep on going until I reach my goal weight.

I am completely satisfied with my weight loss to date and also I love that since October 1st i havent been sick once. The zylene keeps me energized and not feeling hungry while the multi mineral and multi nutrient help provide me with the necessary vitamins and minerals to keep my body healthy. Zylene, Nutravex and Biozyte are a great team that when used together have helped give me results I never thought possible.

I still have a long way to go but my success so far fills me with great pride and sense of accomplishment. I used to play basketball 3 or 4 times a week and up until I started getting my life back together I pretty much gave up on that. In another month I will probably be able to start playing basketball and I have already started to be able to run around with my son and enjoy life more.

For all of you who have already started your quest for a better life keep it up, and all of you others remember its never to late to start we will be here to help you with support and advice.

For more information on zylene and overall dieting tips and snacks check out the squidoo Jason put together...

For those of you who want to order the product or get involved from the business side check out ...

Friday, January 18, 2008



Hello Everyone. Hope your all enjoying the New Year. Im sure many of you have resolutions involving losing weight, and better overall health. As they say the proof is in the pudding, the pictures can lend some visual evidence as to how the supplements available thru www.health4wealth.com/watchmeshrink along with exercising can greatly aid you in supressing your desire and cravings for food, while at the same time increasing your energy. I see different ads, commericals and marketing techniques all the time about miracle pills that will help you lose weight and make outrageous claims.

There is no way for me to honestly confirm or deny any of those claims but I can proudly state that Zylene, Biozyte, and Nutravex, have been my personal miracle pills. I have no desire to eat greasy fatty foods, the constant craving of food no longer controls my life, and it really does clearly boost my energy. Not to mention the effects of your peers complimenting you on how much weight you've lost. Hearing that will never get old, and hearing it just makes you want to work that much more to continue hearing those terrific compliments.

Anyone looking to improve there overal health, lose a few pounds or drastically change there lifestyle towards a more confident, happier, healthier you should definentley look into the products they offer. I would reccommend it to anyone looking to improve there health, regardless of how extreme there case may be. Good Luck to all of you. www.health4wealth.com/watchmeshrink

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Ryan can no longer access the site at work so I will be posting his updates a few days a week.

Hello Everyone sorry its been so long since my last update, Today I am going to post some new updated pics that are from 12-24-7. Also just to let you all know as of this morning I am down to 258. Thats right from 326 to 258 I am down 68lbs in apporoximately 100 days. I do apologize for not updating the site lately however my computer at work no longer allows me access to non work related sites and I dont have a home computer. However I assure you im still eating very good and healthy and still going to the gym daily. Please check out the pics for proof. I hope you all have kept up with your own perspective diets and healthy lifestyles. Please keep it up and you can lose the weight too, its never to late to start your journey to a a Healhtier you. www.health4wealth.com/watchmeshrink